
Cancer And The Effect Of Supplements And Nutrition

Cancer And The Effect Of Supplements And Nutrition

With the recognition of cancer, ways of treatment and prevention were quickly identified. Among the various treatments, a lot of research on the role of nutrition in improving and Cancer prevention has been done.

With the recognition of cancer, ways of treatment and prevention were quickly identified. Among the various treatments, a lot of research on the role of nutrition in improving and Cancer prevention has been done.
In this article, we intend to examine this important factor. Therefore, we will first identify cancer. Then we will examine the role of proper nutrition and diet in preventing and accelerating the healing process of this disease. Then we will look at some of the foods that affect cancer, namely vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Finally, we will talk about the important role of supplementation and supplementation in the improvement and prevention of this disease.

What is cancer?

According to Cancer is defined as a set of diseases that result from the unrestrained proliferation of cells.
Cancer cells have a separate process of cell division and growth. The exact cause of this phenomenon is still unknown. It is possible that genetic factors or factors that disrupt cell function They can cause abnormalities in the cell nucleus.
These include radioactive, chemical and toxic substances or excessive sunlight. The disease has more than a thousand different types. Studies have shown that more than a third of cancer deaths due to nutrition and Lifestyle is unhealthy.

Cancer and nutrition

Much research has been done on the prevalence of cancer in the world. All of them have agreed on the importance of nutrition in curing and especially preventing cancer.
Most cancer patients suffer from chemical drugs There are nutritional deficiencies.
All treatments for this disease have many stages and are not performed during a treatment session. Therefore, the body must have enough strength and endurance to cope with the side effects of these treatments. The body of these people must be fully in view. Check for any deficiencies.
Improving eating habits and increasing physical activity in these people is very important. Consumption of some foods and supplements will also help them reduce stress during treatment.
Nutrition on cell-building pathways such as Controlling growth, cell division and death, gene regulation, tumor suppression are affected Nutrition, diet and exercise can regulate, build and secrete hormones and strengthen the immune system. Regulation of hormones will increase the function of the immune system and reduce the risk of inflammation and cancer.

Proper diet

for people with cancer They should pay attention to a few important things in their diet. The first thing is the energy received from nutrition. Determining the amount of energy helps people in food balance, weight and calories. The second important thing is paying attention to protein. During the course of the disease and the process Treatment requires more protein. People with cancer need the right amount of protein to repair and regenerate cancerous tissues. Adequate fluid intake is another thing that these people should consider in their diet.

Cancer, Vitamins and Antioxidants

These include some vitamins and minerals that can prevent cancer and even slow the progression of the disease, such as eicosapentaenoic acid, a type of omega-3 fatty acid. This acid is found in a variety of fish in cold water. This acid prevents muscle wasting caused by cancer and radiation therapy. Research has shown that the use of this substance along with the treatment process can prevent severe weight loss in patients and poisoning caused by the use of chemicals. It has also been shown to reduce depression or stress in these patients.
Antioxidants include vitamins C, A and E. Substances such as selenium and zinc absorb molecules and free radicals and prevent harmful molecules from entering the body’s cells. This increases the strength of the immune system. Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants.

Effect of Supplements on Cancer

Body’s need for Supplements can sometimes change the vitamins and minerals among because of cancer, aging, and other changes in the body. If your diet does not meet your nutritional needs well at first, you can take supplements containing protein, vitamins, minerals. You should consult a nutritionist to choose the right way to use the supplement. Scientific evidence has shown that supplementation can significantly improve the nutritional status of cancer patients. These supplements can also help prevent cancer.
NBS Super Food Supplement:
One of the recommended and helpful supplements in curing and preventing cancer is the NBS Super Food Supplement. This supplement, which has completely natural ingredients and it is made from cereals, can help nourish sick people and speed up their recovery process.


As a result, in this article, we examined the role of nutrition and supplementation in helping to improve and prevent cancer.
Hence, we first briefly introduced cancer. Then we went to get acquainted with the proper nutrition and diet for this disease. We found that due to good nutrition, all the useful and necessary nutrients that the body lost during cancer will return to the body. Here are two important nutrients in the treatment and prevention of this disease, namely vitamins and antioxidants. Due to the body’s deficiencies and needs during the onset of cancer, the body’s resistance decreases during treatment. Therefore, at the end of the discussion, we examined the role of supplements in meeting the nutritional needs of this disease.


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