
What Is Migraine?

What Is Migraine?

Migraine is a moderate to severe headache that feels as a throbbing pain on one side of the head. In this state, patients feel nausea, vomiting and become sensitive to light or sound.

Migraine is a moderate to severe headache that feels as a throbbing pain on one side of the head. In this state, patients feel nausea, vomiting and become sensitive to light or sound. Migraine attacks can last from hours to days and the pain becomes so severe which it can interferes with your daily activities. If this disease left untreated, there are some risks for the patient. in this article, we will interduce some of the useful treatments to improve this headaches. including herbal and medicinal treatments.

Migraine symptoms and causes

The exact cause of this disorder is unknown. However, it’s believed that, these headaches are the result of temporary changes of the chemicals in the brain’s nerves and blood vessels. About half of people who experience this disease, have relatives who also suffer from migraines. For some people, these attacks start with certain triggers, such as the onset of menstruation, stress, fatigue, and the consumption of certain foods or beverages.
for the other type of patients, a warning sign known as an aura occurs before or along with a headache. Auras can include transient vision, speech, sensory, motor, or other disorders such as tingling on one side of the face and in the arm or leg. increasing physical activity can make the headaches worse. so that, patients need to rest during an attack.

Symptoms of ocular migraine

Ocular migraines, are headaches that associated with blurred vision or even temporary blindness of one eye. Although these headaches sometimes lasts up to 72 hours, most the of the ocular migraine symptoms are temporary. ocular migraine patient’s suffers from the following:
• More pain felt on one side of the head.
• Physical activity intensifies the pain.
• Sometimes the pain is severe, and sometimes it is mild.
• Nausea, vomiting and unusual sensitivity to light or sound are socommon for most of patients .
Until what age can Migraine last?
These headaches, often begin in childhood, adolescence or early adulthood. Sometimes these attacks can get worse over time, but for most of the people, it will be improving over the years.
Side effects of migraine

Visual Impairment:

Vision loss of the ocular migraine usually occurs in just one of the eyes. Recurrence of this headache, causes vision problems in the blind spots of the eye.

Migrainosus status:

This disorder does not go away. Most of this type of headaches, last between 4 or 72 hours, but this is a continuously attack that lasts at least for more than 3 days.


Stroke, is a rare complication that is more common in young women. When a stroke occurs, the blood vessels of the brain become narrow and cut off oxygen supply.

Migraine Seizures:

This rare condition is like epileptic seizure that occurs during or after a severe attack.

Depression and Anxiety:

migraine headaches patients, are much more prone to depression experience .


The headache makes you feel dizzy and unbalanced and as a result of migraine, the dizziness more occurs in people who are susceptible to movement diseases.


Pain from headaches, may causes sleep disorder such as wake up too early or not feel fresh. These headaches, can affect quality of your life and prevent you from doing your daily activities. In people, with severe migraine, Insomnia is a very common problem .

Nervous Migraine Risks

This disorder, occur in people whose nervous systems are more sensitive than other patients. In these people, the brain’s nerve cells are easily stimulated and produce electrical signals. by spreading electrical activity , the various number of the body functions, such as vision, balance, muscle coordination and speaking ability are temporarily disrupted.
this type of migraine, due to its direct effect on the brain and nervous system , expose people to seizures, Parkinson’s disease,face bell’s palsy , depression, severe anxiety, fibromyalgia or extensive muscle pain, stroke and heart problems.

Migraine treatment

There is currently no definitive cure for these headaches, but there are a number of treatments available to help reduce the symptoms. A healthy lifestyle along with regular exercise, adequate sleep and healthy eating at all three meals, as well as drinking enough water and limiting caffeine and alcohol consumption are very effective in the healing process. Avoiding certain stimuli that trigger migraine attacks also helps reduce the risk.
The purpose of Migraine treatment is preventing of further symptoms and attacks. The first treatment that the most of the migraine patients usually choose is medications, while herbal remedies and consumption of supplement and vitamins are also very effective in relieving these headaches, besides they usually have no side effects for patients. Some of the other recommended treatments for severe migraine headaches are Botox injections, magnetic resonance imaging (TMS) and surgery.

Herbal treatments for migraine pain

Consuming herbal medicines, vitamins and natural supplements is one of the safest ways to treat this disease. One of these herbal medicines, is Tanastom chamomile, and due to its parthenolide content is very helpful to prevent and treat migraine attacks. If you consume Butterbur plant in a certain amount under the supervision of a doctor, not only it can reduce attacks, it has no side effects. Studies show that, consumption of vitamin B2 as a supplement can help to prevent migraine development.

What is a migraine medicine?

Migraine medications divided into two general categories:

such as paracetamol and Ibuprofen, are designed to prevent migraine symptoms from getting worse. Patients can use these pills during attacks.
Prophylactic drugs
Prophylactic drugs, reduces the severity or the number of attacks, and their consumption is often on regular basis.


Migraine, is one of the most common neurological diseases that many people suffer from. Many factors can cause migraine disease, such as genetics, food allergies and even fatigue.
Most of the patients, experience symptoms such as nausea, sensitivity to light and sound along with severe headaches during nervous migraine attacks. This disease,can have a negative effect on the body if they become acute. There are several treatments for this disease, and the doctor can prescribe drugs and treatments to the person by diagnosing its severity.


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