
What is the nervous migraine?

What is the nervous migraine?

One of the types of migraine headaches is neural migraine. As its name suggests, migraine headaches are caused by the weak functioning of the nervous system. However, various environmental symptoms can also aggravate the disease.

In addition to the symptoms that are common among all migraines, neuralgia migraine is accompanied by more severe symptoms. such as nausea and dizziness.
Nervous migraine can be divided into two types of gastric and vascular migraine. Each of which has its own symptoms and complications. Fortunately, there are many effective treatments for migraine headaches that a person can use depending on the situation.

Symptoms of a nervous migraine


Nervous migraines have symptoms like nausea, dizziness, cold feet, hypersensitivity to sound and light and burning sensation in fingers.

The patient may experience one or more of these symptoms at the same time. If nervous migraine left untreated, it can lead to occurrence of dizziness, impatient and nervous disorders. If these symptoms persisted, it is best to see a neurologist for further examination.
This migraine can be related to dysfunction of the nervous system. Research has shown that when people with migraines go through periods without headaches, they have lower nervous system function than other people. Nervous system dysfunction is also seen in rare neurological disorders. If for some reason the nervous system malfunctions, a person may develop a nervous migraine.

Gastric nervous migraine


In gastric migraine, the stomach empties more slowly than normal. Nausea and vomiting are some of the common conditions that most of the gastric migraine patients experienced during of before migraine attacks.

Symptoms of ocular migraineFunction


Normally, the stomach works by receiving signals sent by nerves in the brain and spinal cord. These signals cause secretion of hormones and chemicals that travel to the muscles of the stomach and intestines.

Doctors believe that migraines interfere with these signals, which can cause a slow emptying of the stomach followed by nausea and vomiting. Doctors use endoscopy and CT scans or MRIs to accurately diagnose gastric nervous migraines.

Treatment of Gastric nervous migraine


There are several options for treating gastric nervous migraine.

Antiemetic or stomach-cleaner medicine that help to empty the stomach quickly, are usually prescribed in this case. Also, some dietary changes may help strengthen the stomach.

For this purpose, it is better to classify your meals. Eat foods that are easier to digest. Cut down on fatty and fried foods. Avoid high-fiber foods such as some fruits, vegetables or beans. Do not consume carbonated beverages that cause gas or bloating. Also avoid smoking and alcohol.

Neurovascular migraine


Neurovascular migraines are also called swelling of the blood vessels that cause headaches.

In this condition, the blood vessels in the head become large, dilated, and inflamed.

As a result, a change in the normal rhythm of the arteries and a throbbing pain are felt that usually get worse with physical activity.

Symptoms of neurovascular migraine

Neurovascular headache starts with severe pain in one or both sides of the head. It may last for 4 to 72 hours.

Symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, lightheadedness, altered vision, photosensitivity, and photophobia can be felt. For some people, migraines are accompanied by specific visual, sensory, or motor symptoms and a halo.
The onset of migraines is often warned by a change in mood or behavior before the attack starts. Then, in the time of attack a throbbing pain in head with the symptoms mentioned is felt. This pain is followed by significant fatigue, lack of concentration, high blood pressure and irritability.



Critical information that will help diagnose neurovascular migraines includes

information about the time of attack, place and duration of attack, and number of recurrences of the pain. There are some diagnostic tests that can help diagnose neurovascular migraines. These tests include blood tests, X-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT) scans.

Treatment of neurovascular migraine


Treatment of neurovascular migraine depends on the specific characteristics of the disease. Various factors can affect the disease. some causes such as medical and family history, frequency and severity of symptoms, tolerance of drugs, and treatment methods that should be taken into account.

Lifestyle changes, especially reduced high-tension activities and following a healthy diet, can make a significant difference in the frequency and severity of vascular headaches. Other possible treatments for vascular headaches include biofeedback training, physiotherapy, and pressure therapy.

Analgesics such as paracetamol, ibuprofen and aspirin are helpful for vascular migraines. There are other specific medications for severe pain that cannot be relieved with medications mentioned. In addition, prophylactic medications can also help reduce the frequency of vascular headaches for people who often suffer from severe attacks.

Osteoporosis is often referred to as a silent disease, because you do not recognize that your bones are weak until a bone is broken. The disease is usually not painful except when the bone is broken.
The following symptoms, indicate a lack of bone density:
• Bone fractures during a simple daily activity that do not normally cause fractures.
• Fractures as a result of normal movement, such as bending over, lifting objects, or even coughing and sneezing.
• The upper spine is bent and causes your body to bend constantly.
Although bone fractures are often the first sign of the disease, some older people become bent. This happens when the bones of the spine can no longer support the person’s weight.

Treatment of nervous migraine


Doctors usually prescribe pills such as naproxen, tryptanes, ergot alkaloids and acetaminophen to treat neural migraines. It is also recommended to take advantage of a combination of herbal medicines, vitamin supplements, acupuncture and new therapies such as neuro-feedback and Loretta neuro-feedback to treat this disease, all of which should be done under a doctor’s supervision. In addition to the various treatments available, people should give up some of the habits that aggravate nervous migraines. These people should avoid sour citrus fruits, high-fat and fried foods, alcohol, chocolate, coffee and smoking. Patients with migraines should also get enough sleep, exercise, and keep away from stress and anxiety as much as possible.



Nervous migraines are usually caused by disorder of nervous system or excessive stress and tension. The symptoms of this disease are similar to other migraines so if you face them, you should see a doctor for further examination. Nervous migraines include gastric and vascular migraine. Medicinal and herbal treatments and also supplementation can be effective in reducing headaches and improving the patient’s condition.


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