
How to have healthy skin?

How to have healthy skin?

The skin has many functions. most importantly, it is the line of defense between our body and the outside world.

It keeps us safe from bacteria, viruses, pollution and chemicals in the workplace and at home.

The skin regulates body temperature, maintains water balance and controls humidity loss. It also keeps us safe from danger and the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.

There are lots of factors that affect your skin. Genes, aging, hormones and diseases like diabetes are internal factors that affect the skin. You can't affect these things, but there are a lot of external factors you can influence.

External factors like direct exposure to sunlight without sunscreen and excessive washing with extra hot water can damage the skin. Unhealthy diets, stress, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, dehydration, smoking and some medicines can all affect the skin's ability to function as an effective protective barrier. More details can be found below.

Facial skin structure

To understand how to maintain healthy skin, you should know the structure of your skin.

The skin has 3 layers: the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin, thick like a piece of paper), the dermis (the middle layer) and the underlying layer (the deepest layer). Dermal thickness varies depending on where it is located. For example, eyelids have thin dermis, however, the dermis on the back is about half an inch thick. Underneath the epidermis are three layers: stratum corneum, squamous cell layer, and basal cell layer.

Women's facial skin usually looks its best in their 20s. Our skin becomes thinner and drier as we age. Skin thinning results from the breakdown of collagen and elastin. As we age, our skin loses elasticity, becomes more brittle and drier, especially if exposed to too much sun. However, there are a number of dietary and lifestyle changes you can make to keep your skin looking healthy and youthful.

How to have healthy and fresh skin

1. Follow a healthy diet

What you eat is just as important as the creams and skin care products you use. Clear skin starts with a healthy diet, because diet can improve skin health from the inside out. For example, not drinking alcohol can reduce the risk of skin cancer. Studies show that high alcohol consumption leads to the risk of basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.

2. Enough sleep

It is important to get adequate sleep to maintain healthy skin, but it is often overlooked. Sleep deprivation can result in dull skin and dark circles under the eyes. Skin aging is more visible in people who are sleep-deprived. Their skin's ability to repair itself at night is reduced by environmental stressors such as sun exposure.

When you sleep deeply, your body goes into repair mode, rebuilding your muscles, blood cells, and brain cells. The body cannot produce collagen if it does not get enough sleep. Collagen prevents your skin from sagging.

3. Manage your stress.

Stress management. Stress can cause many skin problems because it disrupts the hormones that lead to acne. According to research, people with high-stress levels are 23% more prone to severe acne.

4. Keep your skin moist

Moisturizing creams keep the top layer of skin cells hydrated. You get dry, flaky, and rough skin when you lack water. Moisturizers are essential to keep your skin moisturized and prevent dryness. Best moisturizers contain different vitamins like vitamin E, tea three oil and etc.

A natural approach to facial beauty

Collagen is a protein that is naturally present in the body. Our skin remains youthful with the help of proteins such as collagen and elastin. In old age, collagen production decreases, resulting in dull, wrinkled skin.

Superfood NBS oil is rich in collagen. It reduces skin wrinkles and tightens the skin. Other effects of Superfood NBS oil are mentioned below:

  • Rejuvenation and strengthening of skin, hair and nails
  • It has anti-aging properties and reduces fine lines and skin wrinkles
  • It has professional compositions and formulations, rich in minerals and nutrients
  • Hydrates and keeps the skin moist
  • Strengthens hair follicles and prevents hair loss
  • Has antioxidant and skin protection properties
  • Softens and lightens the skin
  • Improves of pimples and skin acne
  • Increases the strength of skin, hair and nails
  • Suitable for women and men
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