NBS honey
Combination of honey and NBS powder
Consuming natural NBS honey together with NBS superfood supplement, especially on an empty stomach, can multiply the properties of honey. In addition to its extraordinary strengthening properties for the body, it provides all the body's needs for micronutrients to be a shield against all health threats. In addition, the consumption of NBS honey is not prohibited for diabetics due to its very low sucrose content, but its daily consumption along with NBS supplement powder can regulate blood sugar in diabetics.
How to use NBS supplement
You can mix half a teaspoon of NBS supplement powder with a tablespoon of NBS honey and eat it on an empty stomach.
Properties of NBS natural honey for health
One of the most important therapeutic properties of honey is helping to better absorb medicine or food (NBS food) that is eaten with honey.
- Help to relieve cough, asthma and allergies
- Strengthen the body's energy
- Enhance sexual power
- Improvement of skin problems
- Reduce hair loss
- Resolving digestive problems such as gastric reflux
- Fighting microbial and bacterial infections
- Help to eliminate anemia and physical weakness
- Helping to heal wounds and burns
- Prevent premature aging
Do not heat honey: heating honey at a temperature higher than 40°C will cause its aromatic and flavor compounds to evaporate and its enzymes to become inactive, while heat over 49°C will destroy enzymes and some nutrients in honey. destroys
Crystallization of honey: Crystallization of honey, which is often referred to as sugaring or gelatinization, is a natural phenomenon in which honey changes from a liquid to a semi-solid state with a granular composition. With indirect heat up to a maximum of 40 degrees, honey returns to its original state.